電 話:0536-2320173 13705366793
傳 真:0536-2320173手 機:13705366793
郵 箱:sdhskj@126.com
地 址:山東省高密市醴泉工業園醴泉大街盛德路399號(北廠區)
山東省高密市華水機械科技開發有限公司系集開發、設計、研制、生產、銷售、服務于一體的綜合性企業,公司 下設科達水利機械研究所、水利機械廠、節能設備廠、民建工程處、水利工程施工處。公司自建立以來,為水利事業和市政建設的發展做出了突出的貢獻。
Gaomi Huashui Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd of Shandong Province is an enterprise which integrates developing, designing, producing, marketing and serving. It consists of the following five part----Keda Institute of Water Conservancy Machinery, Factory of Water Conservancy Machinery, Energy-Saving Equipment Factory, Civil Construction Engineering Department and Water-Conservancy Construction Projecting Department. During the developing process of water conservancy undertakings, the corporation contributes a lot since it set up.水利機械廠專業生產懸輥機、離心機、立式擠壓機、滾焊機等水泥制管專用設備。二十多年來,榮獲多項國家專利。技術不斷創新,質量精益求精,產品遍及全國各地,并出口非洲、外蒙、俄羅斯、越南等東南亞地區,深受國內外用戶好評。
Water Conservancy Machinery Factory specializes in production of Hang Roller Machine, centrifuge, Vertical Extruder and Seam-welding Machine and these machines are used for cement pipe. Since it started, it developed year by year and has got many pieces of national patents. Its products have covered over the country and are exported to Africa, Mongolia, Russia, Vietnam etc. and well received by users.
版權所有:山東省高密市華水機械科技開發有限公司 U型槽 魯ICP備19048483號-2
電話:0536-2320173 手機:13705366793/15853630666 傳真:0536-2320173 地址:山東省高密市醴泉工業園醴泉大街盛德路399號
公路護欄打樁機 開槽機 路緣石滑模機 XG系列懸輥水泥制管機 水泥管模具 等等