電 話:0536-2320173 13705366793
傳 真:0536-2320173手 機:13705366793
郵 箱:sdhskj@126.com
地 址:山東省高密市醴泉工業園醴泉大街盛德路399號(北廠區)
所在位置:首頁 >> 企業文化
企業文化(Corporate Culture),是一個企業由其價值觀、信念、儀式、符號、處事方式等組成的其特有的文化形象,是企業全體員工在企業運行過程中所培育形成的、與企業組織行為相關聯的、并事實上成為全體員工主流意識而被共同遵守的目標、價值體系、基本信念及企業組織行為規范的總和。企業文化集中體現了一個企業經營管理的核心主張,以及由此產生的組織行為。企業文化是組織文化的一種特殊形態。
Corporation Culture is a kind of unique cultural image which consists of value, belief, ceremony, mark and the way of doing things etc. It is formed in the process of enterprise running, links to organizational behavior of enterprise and in fact becomes the mainstream consciousness of all the staff. It is summarized by the highest goal, value system and basic belief abided by all the staff and corporation codes of conduct. Corporation culture embodies the core of business management and its related organizational behavior. Corporation culture is the special form of organizational culture.
勤奮 拼搏 開拓 超越
Hardworking Struggling Developing Exceeding
To make our technological dreams come true.
Corporation Culture is a kind of unique cultural image which consists of value, belief, ceremony, mark and the way of doing things etc. It is formed in the process of enterprise running, links to organizational behavior of enterprise and in fact becomes the mainstream consciousness of all the staff. It is summarized by the highest goal, value system and basic belief abided by all the staff and corporation codes of conduct. Corporation culture embodies the core of business management and its related organizational behavior. Corporation culture is the special form of organizational culture.
勤奮 拼搏 開拓 超越
Hardworking Struggling Developing Exceeding
To make our technological dreams come true.
版權所有:山東省高密市華水機械科技開發有限公司 U型槽 魯ICP備19048483號-2
電話:0536-2320173 手機:13705366793/15853630666 傳真:0536-2320173 地址:山東省高密市醴泉工業園醴泉大街盛德路399號
公路護欄打樁機 開槽機 路緣石滑模機 XG系列懸輥水泥制管機 水泥管模具 等等